If your credit card on file is declined to any of the charges, an invoice will be sent via email. The invoice will need to be paid within 24hrs. and failure of payment within that time frame, will result in a declined appointment for future services. All future services will require start requiring a deposit. If a valid card is not on your profile your appointment will be cancelled. Penthouse Beaute will reattempt to charge the card on file for up to 120 days after date of scheduled appointment. Any overdraft fees are not the responsibility of the business, but the signer of this agreement and or consent forms.
If you no show for your appointment you will be charged 100% for your service, (there was no contact made via phone, text, or email before the appointment) the credit card on file will be charged 100% of the scheduled service amount.
We greatly appreciate at least a 24hour notice to cancel your appointment. Your credit card on file will be charged a 60% cancellation fee if cancelling for same day appointments. Please call to cancel a same day appointment. If you have multiple services booked and would like to cancel or change number of services, the same day it will result in a same day cancelation fee due to time already being allocated for those services.
We greatly appreciate at least a 24-hour notice to reschedule an appointment. Your credit card on file will be charged a 60% fee of your total amount of services for rescheduling less than the 24-hr. notice. Your deposit will be lost. If you would like to reschedule prior to 24hrs, you may reschedule your appointment through your reminder confirmation link sent via email/text. Every client will receive at least 2 reminders prior to an appointment. **Please keep track of your period, if have to reschedule due to your period and it is past the 24hr mark you will get charged a cancellation fee** You still can get waxed on your period with a fresh tampon.
Please keep in mind when rescheduling you may only reschedule once with the same deposit. After your 2nd reschedule a new deposit is due. All deposits are non-refundable, non-transferable.
You are allowed a 5-7 min grace period. NO grace period for new clients. If you are going to be past that time a $10 fee will be applied. You will be cutting into your appointment time. If there is allotted time available, we can continue with the appointment depending on the service. If not, you will be asked to reschedule and 60% of your total services will be due.
When you purchase a packages or treatment series there are no refunds on the remaining services not used. Payment must be in full If you a payment arrange was not agreed upon. However, all deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please reach out to us to further discuss options.
Masks are optional.
There are no refunds on products, deposits and or classes.
Please no extra guest unless they are getting serviced.
In event of a government shut down and or inclement weather, emergency, tragedy for the provider, or world disaster all appointments will be rescheduled all deposits and prepaid services will be towards appointments only and are still nonrefundable.
The policies listed above are subject to change at any time.
Payment Methods
Credit / Debit Cards
Offline Payments